Reduce the crown of 1 Oak by up to 2m and remove all growth less than 25mm up to 6m, crown lift 4 limbs on allotment side to appropriate growth points protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land to Rear of Ellesmere Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1990
Erection of a 4 bay modular building with link to existing building to provide additional nursery accommodation
Erection of conservatory to rear elevation, dimensions 3.3m beyond the rear wall of the dwelling, 3.2m maximum height and 2.2m height at the eaves.
Conversion of first and second floors into two residential apartments
Internal works and minor external works to facilitate the conversion of first and second floor to form residential use
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the installation of tent/canopy structure over beer garden
Erection of a part 2 storey and part 3 storey building to provide 5 apartments with garaging below (revision to planning permission 18/01810/FUL )
Erection of fencing facing the public highway (revised scheme)
Change of use of former sandwich bar/deli to hot food takeaway premises; amendments to front elevation; installation of wall mounted flue and ventilation system to side elevation
Reduce 2no Lime Trees (T1 & T2) by 40% protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (236 Monkmoor Road) Tree Preservation Order 2002
T1 Purple cherry plum – reduce crown by 25% to reduce overhang and shading; T2 Howgate Wonder apple tree – shorten large heavy branches of upper crown by approx 20%; T3 Wild cherry – remove two lowest branches, and any higher elements which are too heavily impinging on adjacent apple tree; T4 Yew – remove…