Replace existing interior concealed window with a formed structural opening.
Crown reduce overhanging branches by 1-3m of 1no Sycamore within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Reduce side by approx. 1-2m of 1no Copper Beech & lightly reduce by approx. 1m 1no Yew protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Manor Gardens, Belle Vue) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/416)
Reduce by approx. 1/3rd 1no Sycamore & remove large limb over house and small lower limb off neighbour’s property of 1no Ash protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at the rear of The Orchards, Shepherds Lane, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury) TPO 2014 (Ref: SC/00210/14)
Various works to trees (See Schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Prune back to give clearance of approx. 2m away from house of 1no Goat Willow within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Reduce canopy by 1-2m, crown lift to 4-5m in height & remove epicormic growth of 1no European Lime within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Internal adaptation, refurbishment and amalgamation of Flat 2 (ground floor) & Flat 4 (first floor) into a single private residence