Erect and display non-illuminated hoardings attached to the existing southern boundary fencing comprising 32 panels measuring 1.5m high x 2.5m wide that will be designed to showcase the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings brand through the messaging and design, utilising the logo and the primary brand colours
Remove 5No. Hollies leaning on a wall within Belle Vue Conservation Area Replace with four trees specifically chosen for the difficult environment into which they will be planted.
Part two part single storey extension and associated alterations and improvements (modification to previously approved)
To fell 1No Silver Birch Tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Hybrid application for a mixed-use development – FULL consent For formation of roadside services including a petrol filling station, a drive-through restaurant; drive-through coffee shop; creation of new vehicular access (off A458); on-site roads and parking areas; landscaping scheme; and, OUTLINE consent (access for consideration) for the erection of offices (Use Class B1)
Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alerations
Erection of single storey rear extension to form garden room
To reduce by 30% 1No. Magnolia Soulangeana and to fell 1No. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Ellwoodii’ within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Works to remove deadwood, lift low crown over road, raise all round to balance and shape and selectively reduce crown of 1No Copper Beech protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
To trim back foliage by 50% of one Mulberry tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Increase height of existing boundary wall on the northern perimeter of the property by five brick courses (45cm) for a length of 14m