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Planning Applications


Fell 1no Ash protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (The Hollies, Sutton Road) Tree Preservation Order 1991 (Ref: SA/231)

Read more about 20/02474/TPO


Conversion of ground floor and basement to A1 (retail); and three residential units on first, second and third floors; internal and elevational alterations

Read more about 20/02534/FUL


Internal works to include removal and insertin of partition walling, staircase and facilities; elevational alterations to include insertion of replacement frontage all to facilitate the conversion to residential and retail

Read more about 20/02535/LBC


Fell 9no Sycamores within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 20/02587/TCA


Application under Part 16 Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) for the erection of one 22.5m high lattice tower with 4no. antennas and ancillary development thereto following removal of existing tower

Read more about 20/02413/TEL


Erection of single storey extension (following demolition of conservatory) with first floor balcony

Read more about 20/02545/FUL


Erection of a log cabin

Read more about 20/02617/FUL


Erection of oak timber framed garden room to pub dining area, with flat roof and retractable glazed rooflight

Read more about 20/02621/FUL


Mixed commercial development comprising industrial building (B1c, B8) with trade counter uses; 80-bed hotel; restaurant and bar; coffee shop with drive-through facility; associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping scheme to include diversion of public right of way

Read more about 20/02631/FUL


Erection of side extension with glazed link and internal remodelling following demolition of existing double garage

Read more about 20/02632/FUL


To fell to ground level 13no Cypress Trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 20/02653/TCA


To crown reduce (by approx 2m) 1no Prunus sp. (T1) and fell to ground level 1no Purple Plum (T2) within Shrewsbury Conervation Area.

Read more about 20/02654/TCA