Works to replace existing signage and addition of 2No display areas
Erect and display 3No internally illuminated fascia signs, 2No internally illuminated totem signs 1No free standing poster unit and 1No free standing test drive mast
Re-roofing and structural strengthening of the existing cast iron trusses to the Cross Mill
Outline application (access for consideration) for the residential development of up to 28 dwellings; to include some demolition and some tree removal
Replace 2 no first floor timber windows to the rear and side elevations with ‘ecoslide’ pvc-u sliding sash windows to match existing affecting a grade II listed building
Listed building consent for the replacement of roof coverings and the demolition of a redundant outbuilding to the Grade II* listed premises
Fell 1no Cherry protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at 9 Kennedy Road, Shrewsbury) TPO 2018 (Ref: SC/00323/18)
Prune back to boundary by approx. 3m overhanging branches of 1no Maple within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Internal works to create opening/archway in wall between Shop 2 and Shop 3, remove modern stud-partition wall and installation of WC in rear of shop and associated works affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of two storey and single storey extensions to rear