To fell 1no Fir tree (A) and crown reduce height by approx 5m, remove dead/diseased branches and reduce lower branches by approx 1m to maintain shape a group of Fir trees (B) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Stonehurst School, Sutton Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1965 No. 1
Reduce annually by 20-30% 1no Cherry Plum within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To crown reduce 1no Cherry protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008 (Ref: SA/457)
Crown thin & reduce canopy by 25% of 1no Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)
Subdivision and extension of existing dwelling to create two dwellings and erection of a new dwelling following demolition of existing garages (resubmission)
Crown reduce by up to 3 metres and crown lift to 5 metres 2no Silver Birch & trim back to old growth point mixed species hedge within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To crown lift approx 8 thin branches 1no Yew tree (1A), crown reduce by 30% 1no Yew tree (2A), fell 1no Robinia (3A), top by 1metre 2no Holly (4A), remove deadwood and crown reduce 1no Robinia (5A), fell 2no Lawsons (6, 7A), toop by 40% 1no Holly (8A) and fell 1no Conifer (9A) within Shrewsbury…
Installation of (full width) dormer window to rear roofline to facilitate loft conversion; elevational and installation of mono-pitch roof to ground floor to facilitate internal alterations
Erection of part single and two storey extensions including juliet balcony and balcony on rear elevation and remodelling of dwelling
To fell 3no Sycamore Trees (T2, 3 and 4) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
To fell 1no Sycamore tree (T1) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969