Erect and display (proposed Unit 4a only) 2No. illuminated fascia signs
Crown reduce by 60% 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Fell 1no Goat Willow, pollard to 5.5m and 5m 2no Lime, crown reduction by approx. 1m of 1no Pear & reduce in height by 1.5-2m 1no Holly within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Change of use of first, second and third floors of 39/40 Castle Street from (Class A1) Hair salon to (Class C3) residential, including erection of a roof extension, to provide a total of 4 apartments
Erect and display 5 non illuminated fascia signs, 11 kerb mounted parking signs and one non illuminated monolith sign
Erection of statue to mark the start/finish of the Shropshire Way long distance footpath
Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory
Erection of steel portal framed building with ancillary store room to form engineering training centre following demolition of existing demountable buildings; improvements to vehicular access