To carry out works as per schedule and plan to trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To pollard 1no Ash tree (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erect and display 3no. internally illuminated fascia signs and 3no. non-illuminated fascia signs, 1no. internally illuminated totem sign, 1no. banner sign and 7no. non-illuminated highway information post signs
Erection of a rear single storey extension to semi-detached dwelling following demolition of existing stores and w.c, dimensions 4.1 metres beyond rear wall, 3.1 metres maximum height, 3.0 metres high to eaves
Fell 1no Scots Pine protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land Off Shelton Lane, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1992 (Ref: SA/212)
Reinstate one studwall to separate two bedrooms and also to install a studwall to create one additional bedroom on the top floor
Increase the width of existing rear extension to detached dwelling, dimensions 4.60 metres beyond rear wall, 2.80 metres maximum height, 2.60 metres high to eaves
Application for prior approval under Part 3, Class O of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 for the change of use from ground floor office to residential (first, second and third floors)
Erect and display internally illuminated fascia sign above ATM
Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the installation of an ATM installed through a secure panel to the far right hand side of the shop front.