Refurbishment and conversion of first, second and third floors to form two self-contained residential units, together with re-configuration of rear of ground floor Betting Shop to create a new separate access to the upper floors
Refurbishment and conversion of first, second and third floors to form two self-contained residential units, together with re-configuration of rear of ground floor Betting Shop to create a new separate access to the upper floors
Change of use of ground floor and basement from Class A1 (retail) to Sui Generis (aesthetics and skin clinic)
Formation of a hardcore parking lot for the storage of stock vehicles with a continuation of the access road linking the two existing car parks
Variation of condition no 1 (timescale) pursuant to 17/06119/FUL to allow for an extension in temporary permission until February 2022
Erection of detached double garage with first floor storage space (access from Benbow Close)
Construction of brick frontage boundary wall and gates following demolition of existing wall
Change of Use application from B1 Office to A2 Financial and Professional Services
Re-pollard to previous growth points 1no Lime & fell 1no Conifer within Shrewsbury Conservation Area