Change of use from A1 Retail to mixed use A1/D1 (retail/Veterinary clinic)
To crown reduce and remove epicormic growth, remove deadwood and cut back 30% of 1No. Oak tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Beechwood Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1971 (Ref: SA/56)
Coppicing of trees to open up views of the castle predominantly to the north and east & necessary tree maintenance and safety works (See Report) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of a two story extension to side of dwelling following demolition of existing garage
To reduce in height by 35% 1no Lawson Cypress and 1no Holly tree in the rear garden within Meole Conservation Area
To raise lower crown to approx 6ft from ground level and prune back branches outside uniformity of the canopy of 1no Betula pendula (Youngii) protected by hrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Belvidere Paddocks) Tree Preservation Order 2005
Various alterations to include recladding of internal walls, removal of various internal walls, replace internal doors and skirting boards, replace windows and installation of a combi gas boiler in connection with modernisation and refurbishment of the property affecting a Grade II Listed Building (see proposals report for full details)
Erection of a first floor extention to existing garage to form hobby room and creation of external staircase and first floor decking area
Trim back overhanging branches by approximateley 1m from 1no Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Land at 53 Mytton Oak Road, Shrewsbury) TPO 2006 (Ref: SA/430)
Erection of rear conservatory to a detached dwelling dimensions 7.10 metres beyond rear wall, 2.910 metres maximum height, 2.10 metres high to eaves