Erection of rear single storey extension to a semi detached dwelling following demolition of existing conservatory, dimensions 3.63 metres beyond rear wall, 2.67 metres maximum height, 2.67 metres high to eaves
Reduce canopy by approx. 0.5m and lift by approx. 1m of 1no Holly within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Reduce height by approx. 1m and trim on house side by approx 0.5m of 3no Holly within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Erection of extension to the rear of the property, loft conversion and new dormer window
Crown reduction by 50% of 2no Laurel & 1no Holly within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown lift to 2m from ground level and reduce by 20% or 2-3m group of Holly/Hawtorn (G1) & crown lift to 2-4m from ground level and reduce by 20% or 2-3m group of Ash (G2) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land Off The Mount) Tree Preservation Order 1990 (Ref: SA/216)
Subdivision and extension of existing dwelling to create two dwellings and erection of a new dwelling following demolition of existing garages.
Erection of rear ground floor extension to provide accessible ground floor bedroom and bathing facilities