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Planning Applications


To Crown Reduce by 20% 1no Magnolia tree within Shrewsbury Conservation area

Read more about 19/04780/TCA


Change of use from (A1) shop to (A5) hot food takeaway restaurant; associated alterations and the provision of 2No. off-street car-parking spaces

Read more about 19/04715/FUL


Erection of single storey side extension

Read more about 19/04718/FUL


A single storey rear extension to an existing semi detached dwelling

Read more about 19/04726/FUL


Reduce crown by 2-3 metres and thin by approx 15-20% of 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 19/04809/TCA


Fell 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 19/04811/TCA


Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) pursuant of planning permission 19/01702/OUT dated 21 August 2019 for the erection of a two storey dwelling to include access

Read more about 19/04746/REM


Erection of single storey rear/side extension following demolition of existing rear extension

Read more about 19/04748/FUL


Fell 1no Copper Beech protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)

Read more about 19/04818/TPO


Elevational alteration to front/side to allow for internal alterations

Read more about 19/04660/FUL


Erection of single storey and two storey rear extension include balcony at first floor

Read more about 19/04764/FUL


Erection of part two storey and part single storey extension and associated alterations to side and rear following demolition works

Read more about 19/04767/FUL