Variation of Condition No.1 attached to planning permission reference 14/00483/VAR (Variation of Condition No.3 attached to planning permission reference 04/0014/F) to allow the retention of the portable catering building for a further 5 years
Erection of a single storey rear extension to provide disabled facilities at ground floor
Change of use of a ground floor office suite (B1) to physical therapy, health and injury rehabilitation clinic (D1)
To carry out a crown reduction by approx 2ft to various trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Proposed Roof extension over Garage/ Store to Create Annexe
Erection of rear single storey extension to a terraced dwelling following demolition of existing w.c., dimensions 3.65 metres beyond rear wall, 3.30 metres maximum height, 2.70 metres high to eaves
Erection of two storey extension to rear elevation and front porch
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the change of use from A1(retail) to D1 (charitable use)