Conversion of 5 bed care home into 3No self-contained 1 bed flats for independent living for mental health users (under care/ supervision of care home group)
Reserved matters pursuant to outline permission ref: 14/04428/OUT for the erection of 175no. dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale
Erect and display various illuminated hanging signs with illuminated and non illuminated fascia signs on timber and brickwork with assorted illuminated and non illuminated sign boards
Erection of single storey rear extension to existing dwelling
Installation of 5no. new digital freestanding signs and 1 no. 15″ digital booth screen
Erection of single storey rear extension with partial conversion of garage; creation of additional parking area
Changes of Use from Bank (Class A2) to new restaurant/takeaway (Class A3 and A5)
Variation of Condition no.2 (approved plans) pursuant of 19/02172/FUL for the erection of six dwellings; to allow for changes to approved site layout; and, design and layout changes to approved dwellings
Erection of a single storey rear extension with terrace above and insertion of new french doors at 2nd floor level
Internal and external alterations in connection with erection of a single storey rear extension with terrace above and insertion of french windows at second floor level affecting a Grade II Listed Building