1No. Illuminated WHSmiths hanging sign within shop front window bed
To prune back overhanging branches to the boundary line (over No 4 Tudor Gate, Copthorne Road) 1no Sycamore tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown reduce by approx. 2m and crown lift by approx. 3m 1no Oak protected by the SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008 (Ref: SA/457)
Removal of concrete steps up to front door and replace with stone steps and handrails to both sides
Erect and display 4no digital freestanding signs and 1no 15″ digital booth screen all internally illuminated
Erection of extension to side and alterations and improvements to existing dwelling
Trim back overhanging branches by 2 metres of 2no Atlantic Cedars within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of garage building; single storey extension, conversion of outbuildings and garage to residential use; formation of retaining wall
Erection of warehouse enclosure (B8 use) for a temporary period of 2 years
Removal of Condition No. 8 attached to Planning Permission 17/04363/FUL dated 19 January 2018 (amended by application for variation of condition 18/04428/VAR) to allow the safari units to be occupied as holiday accommodation all year round
To Fell 1no Yew tree (T1), 1no Conifer tree (T2) and 1no Purple Plum (T3), reduce by approx 4 ft 1no Macrocarpa (T4) and reduce by approx 5 ft 1no Holm Oak (T5)