To remove 2 subsiding limbs of 1no Monterey Cypress, reduce overhanging limbs to boundary fence mixed broadleaves G1, reduce 2no Sycamore and 1no Hazel trees to height of previous pollarding (G2) and reduce height to provide sufficient screening 1no Copper beech hedge (H1) (see condition report) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Formation of an access and visibility splay resubmission of previously approved 15/04499/FUL
Erection of side extension above existing garage and front porch extension
Internal and external alterations and refurbishments to include decoration, new flooring and lighting, upgrades to bar backfitting; new inner lobby doors to main entrance and internal door to rear lobby; removal of areas of plaster to expose original building structure; installation of wrought iron fence to top of existing brickwork wall for security purposes; new…
Internal and external alterations and refurbishments to include decoration, new flooring and lighting, upgrades to bar backfitting; new inner lobby doors to main entrance and internal door to rear lobby; removal of areas of plaster to expose original building structure; installation of wrought iron fence to top of existing brickwork wall for security purposes; new…
Crown lifting to 3m from the foot path, self-seeded Holly and Sycamore trees & fell dead Elms (See Plan) within Shrewsbury Conservaton Area
Reduce by 1-2m and thin by 15% 1no Lime & fell 1no Holly, 2no Sumac, 1no Ash and 1no Cherry within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Internal alterations in connection with change of use of ground floor to A3 use; installation of extraction outlet to flat roof affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Repairs to existing rear dormer, repointing to chimney, replacement of existing Velux rooflight, insertion of tile vent, replacement of guttering affecting a grade II listed building
To remove 1no Conifer Hedge (along the Belle Vue Road), cut back overhanging 1no Cotoneaster and other shrubs overhanging the corner of Pountney Gardens within Belle Vue Conservation Area