Erect and display internally illuminated fascia signage above entrances to retail units
Internal alterations and change of use of ground floor to A3 use; installation of extraction outlet to flat roof
Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved) to convert hotel building into residential accommodation (to include removal of modern extensions); residential development of two apartment buildings comprising a total 46 apartments to the rear following demolition of lodge building
Erection of two storey extension to side and single storey extension to rear
Installation of timber sash double glazed windows and a new wooden door.
Erection a new four pump (eight filling position) petrol filling station and associated works following the demolition of the existing petrol filling station. Minor car park alterations.
Refurbishment of the property including the removal of 2 no. casement windows and 2 no. external door units to the rear of the building at the ground and first floor and the replacement with 2 no. sliding folding door screens in new openings at ground and first floor and the construction of a single storey…
To fell 1no Flowering Cherry tree and replace with a Crabapple tree within Belle Vue Conservation Area.
Refurbishment and minor internal works affecting a grade II listed building
Erection of a detached double garage and boundary wall with railings
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 17/04527/FUL dated 13 November 2017
Works to trees (See Schedule) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)