Demolition of side wall and creation of car parking space at front of property
Fell 1no Weeping Willow protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (96 London Road) Tree Preservation Order 1992 (Ref: SA/246)
Crown lift by 3metres and prune back overhang by 1-2metres of 1no Oak protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at or adjacent to Oaklands and Abbotsfield Drive) TPO 2012 (Ref: SC/00111/12)
Replace existing bay windows with wooden double glazed replacements to match the original design; add wrought iron railing to the low perimeter walls; replace existing concrete path with tiles; replace gate with wrought iron gate to match the proposed railings
Variation of Condition No.14 attached to planning permission SA/86/1079/329/86 to allow up to 250 sq.m. net within Unit 2 to be used for the sale of food and drink goods for consumption off the premises
Reduction of canopy spread on south side by 3 metres of 1no Oak protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land Off Shelton Lane, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1992 (Ref: SA/212)
Crown reduce by 30% 2no Yew, fell 1no Crab Apple & cut back overhang of approx. 3-4ft of 1no Magnolia within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Fell 1no Ash & reduce by approx. 2metres 1no Holly within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of rear single storey extension to a semi detached dwelling following demolition of existing utility, dimensions 4.80 metres beyond rear wall, 2.625 metres maximum height, 2.970 metres high to eaves
Erection of extension to existing ground floor toilet to include shower; replacement of garden tool store with garden toilet