Erection of a rear conservatory to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 4.0 metres beyond rear wall, 3.40 metres maximum height, 2.10 metres high to eaves
Permanent retention of two storey modular building with amendments to include external cladding; erection of parapet; boundary treatments including a retaining wall and timber fencing
Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of covered way and garage
Erection of two storey side extension following removal of prefabricated garage and widening of drive way
To fell 1no Almond Blossom within Belle Vue Conservation Area
To Fell 1no Conifer Tree (and replace with more suitable species) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To fell 3no self set Sycamore trees within Belle Conservation Area
Erection of grocery collection ‘drive thru’ canopy in car park
Refurbishment including realignment of Victoria Quay frontage; formation of two internal mezzanine floors and first floor balcony at front with elevational alterations in association with mixed A3/A4 use
Remove and rebuild the existing front garden wall to bring its appearance in line with other properties on the street. Install wall coping, iron railing and gate. Replace brick wall on edge of the path with rope-top edging (Article 4)