Fell 1no Sycamore & reduce height down to level of previous pruning (approx 1.5 metres) of 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of single storey extension to side/rear elevation following demolition of existing garage and outbuilding
Erection of detached garage/workshop with external staircase to home office and gym above
Internal works including formation of stairs, alterations to partition walls and insertion of two rooflights to eastern roofline all to facilitate loft conversion affecting a Grade II* Listed Building
Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing warehouse
Crown reduce by 10-15% and remove ivy from 1no Corsican Pine protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land to the rear of Lexden Gardens, Belle Vue Road) Tree Preservation Order 1990 (Ref: SA/210)
Change of use from D2 Gymnasium to B1 Offices (Unit 1 Only)
To fell 1no conifer tree (13m in height) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of single storey flat roof rear extension following removal of existing lean-to out house
To reduce branches to around 1m from the boundary fence 1no Western hemlock (T1) on neighbouring property (64 Oakley Street), fell 1no Laurel tree (T2), 1no Beech tree (T3) and 1no Holly tree (T4) within Belle Vue Conservation Area.