Erection of 1 No dwelling with on-site parking and alterations to existing vehicular access
Erection of 5no detached dwellings and garages, construction of access and associated infrastructure
To crown lift to 5m from ground level 2No Beech trees protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
Installation of 1 x internally illuminated entrance sign, 2 x internally illuminated service and parts wall mounted sign and 1 x internally illuminated service and parts pole sign
To carry out a 2 meter overall crown reduction and removal of secondary growth from the trunks up to spring of the crown 1No Oak tree protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North) TPO 2008
Change of use of the existing derelict playground into a car park to provide 7 parking spaces to be used by the local residents and their visitors
Removal of condition numbers 19 and 20 attached to planning permission reference SA/06/1667/DDM dated 29/05/2007 to allow for removal of the play area
Installation of replacement entrance door and side screen affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Consent to display one internally illuminated wall mounted sign
Application under section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a rear extension