Reduce by 1-2m across entire canopy and reshape 1no Leylandii (T1) & 1no Golden Leylandii (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Creation of an Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with perimeter fencing, adjacent hardstanding area, directional sports lighting, timber acoustic fence, access footpaths including low level bollard lighting, timber maintenance store, landscaped bund, new tree planting and wildlife shrub buffer zone
Construction of a 64-no. apartment affordable extra care home (C2 use class) with associated open space/green infrastructure, landscaping, car/cycle parking, service infrastructure (drainage, highways, lighting), engineering operations and creation of new vehicular access
Erection of a New Linear Accelerator Bunker at the Radiotherapy Department at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Removal of existing conservatory, erection of rear extension and interior reconfiguring
Remove branch and reduce canopy by approx. 3m of 1no Holly within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Change of use from retail (Class E(A)) to car showroom (Sui Generis use) and replacement display windows and doors
Re-pollard 3no. Limes (T1,2&5) and 2no. Horse Chestnuts (T4&6) and fell 1no. Lime (T3) (see schedule) protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Land at Harlescott Social Club, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2007 (SA/452)
Remove existing timber front shop front and replace with aluminium fixed unit
Proposed erection of single storey extension to west elevation, removal of window to play room and insertion of bi-fold doors to gable, replacement of full height window to utility for a fully glazed door.
Fell 1no White Poplar (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area