Crown reduce by 3m and prune outer parts of the crown by 10% of 1no Lawson Cypress protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (84 Woodfield Road, Copthorne) Tree Preservation Order 1989 (Ref: SA/176)
Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory
Erection of two storey side extension and detached double garage
To remove lower branches (no more than 5 branches at lower level) obstructing BT wires of 2No conifer trees within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
To Fell 1no Ash Tree (and replant with more suitable species)) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Installation of glassfibre flagpole, associated fixings and Tudor watch branded flag
To erect and display 1No branded flag for watch company Tudor installed onto a 2m long glassfibre flagpole
Erection of extension to existing rear flat roof ground floor lounge; installation of metal railings around the perimeter of the flat roof to create a balcony following demolition of juliet balcony at first floor; erection of a dwarf wall to the east
Erection of 6No. dwellings following demolition of existing meeting room; alterations to existing vehicular access; formation of driveway and parking areas