Elevational alterations to include the installation of new and replacement windows; construction of porch to south elevation; erection of detached single garage
Erection of single storey conservatory extension and associated alterations; Alterations and additions to existing garden walling and concrete post and timber fencing
Erection of two garage buildings (one to serve each of Marantha and Tamarisk); erection of boundary fencing; demolition of outbuildings and works to trees
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a single storey rear extension with roof window
Removal of Condition 7 (occupancy tie) pursuant of planning permission 05/0865/F to allow for the approved extension to be used as an separate unit of living accommodation
Erection of one pair of semi-detached dwellings; boundary walling following demolition of all buildings and fencing; demolition of lean-to extension to main house and creation of courtyard for use by the main house
Variation of Condition No. 2 (approved plans) attached to Planning Permission 17/03372/FUL dated 19 January 2018
Erection of a single storey extension with pitched roof to front elevation of existing bungalow, and rendering of existing frontage.
Removal of hedge on highway boundary and replace with 1.7m high (max) timber wicket fence painted white to match existing adjacent fence.
Change of use of upper floors from retail storage to house of multiple occupation (4 units) to include demolition of rear extension
Internal refurbishment works including reinstatement of staircase and fireplaces; replacement floorboards and plasterwork; brickwork and roof repairs; demolition of rear extension; all ancillary works; to facilitate the conversion to house of multiple occupation (4 units) affecting a Grade II Listed Building