To crown lift for a 1.5m clearance from the top of the boundary wall various trees and remove ivy (as per schedule) within Shrewsbry Conservation Area
Single storey, rear extension to living/dining area, internal re-modelling works including loft conversion with 2no. large dormer windows
Erection of replacement garage, workshop building and conservatory to rear/side elevation; works to trees
Reduce 1No Acer Crimson King by 20% back to original pruning points and reduce canopy by 1m protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Land at Shelton Hall Gardens) Tree Preservation Order 2006 (Ref: SA/436)
Fell to ground level and treat stump to prevent re-growth of 1no Willow (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Fell to ground level and treat stump to prevent re-growth of 1no Birch (T3) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Fell to ground level and treat stump to prevent re-growth of 1no Birch (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of single and two storey extension to rear and side following demolition of existing utility room and coal store and removal of existing dormer window
Installation of bathroom including reinstatement of staircase to front of property from ground floor to first floor and blocking up of window affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of rear extension and side extension following demoltiion of existing garage. Re-roofing of existing bungalow and addition of larch cladding to pull the extension and existing building together to look as one. Replacement windows and doors with the inclusion of non-opening roof lights.