Erection of two-storey extension and associated alterations and improvements
Alterations in connection with installation of new shopfront to include new entrance single sliding door, relocated ATM with a illuminated shroud and new window frames and glazing Advertisement consent:- Replacement projecting sign with internal illumination.
Removal of existing telecommunications mast and associated apparatus and installation of new 25 metre mast including 9 no. antennas, 3 no. 600 millimetre dish antennas and 1 no. 300 millimetre dish antenna and associated apparatus, installation of 1 no. equipment cabinet at ground level and associated ancillary works.
Erection of a temporary, free standing, demountable building to house a brickwork practical area
Crown reduce by 2m 1no Sycamore & fell sapling of 1no Sycamore within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Reduce by approximately 25% by crown lifting/thinning to 1no Holly Tree, 1no Sycamore and 2no Horse Chestnut (which also include a reduction of height) & fell 1no Ash protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2003 (varied 2004)
Fell 1no Western Red Cedar within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Outline application for the erection of a single dwelling to include utilising existing access off Ridgebourne Road
Erection of single storey rear and first floor side extensions and associated alterations (revised scheme)