Erection of single storey rear extension and first floor side extension
Erection of a Rear Extension to a Semi-Detached Dwelling, Dimensions 4.2 Metres Beyond the Rear Wall, 2.7 Metres Maximum Height and 2.4 Metres High to Eaves
Demolition of existing bungalow and ancillary buildings and erection of 45No apartment buildings and associated vehicular and pedestrian access
Change of use of the upper floors (1,2,3) to C3 to one apartment; repair of roof; reduction in chimney height and replacement windows to the rear; internal alterations to layout affecting a Grade II* Listed Building
Change of use of the upper floors (1,2,3) to C3 to one apartment; repair of roof; reduction in chimney height and replacement windows to the rear; internal alterations to layout
Works to facilitate the replacement of windows, allowing the installation of double glazed units and the replacement of areas of timber match board cladding
Change of use from office Class B1(a) to a 1-bedroom residential apartment (Class C3)
Erection of a detached dwelling and garage following demolition of existing
Replacement garage with new garage, store, log store and ancillary accommodation at first floor level (coach house), extension to existing dining room and replacement window