Replacement garage with new garage, store, log store and ancillary accommodation at first floor level (coach house), extension to existing dining room and replacement window
Written request to vary the Section 106 Legal Agreement pursuant to planning permission reference SA/03/1543/F so that 9 of the homes can become affordable rented and the 80% cap lifted on 10 of the remaining shared ownership homes to allow for 100% staircasing
Erection of a single storey side extension following demolition of existing car port
Installation of one externally illuminated projection sign; 3 amenity boards; 2 menu cases; 4 lots of individual lettering; one logo; 2 lanterns and 4 floodlights all to the front elevation
Works to Listed Building to facilitate the installation of replacement signage to front elevation with associated lighting
Erection of 3m high posts to rear garden to facilitate the installation of festoon lighting; internal alterations
Outline application for the erection of a two storey dwelling to include access
Internal works to include installation of new flooring, alterations to fixed seating; provision of new fixed seating; installation of glazed panels; re-decoration; external works to facilitate the installation of 3m high posts for lighting
Change of use of first floor from office use (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) including the removal of the existing first to second floor staircase and installation of a new reprositioned staircase affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Prior approval for the proposed installation of telecommunications rooftop upgrade and associated works