To fell 1No Sycamore tree protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Sunnyfields, Bell Lane) Tree Preservation Order 1983
Part first floor part two storey side/rear extension inc terrace and change of window style to rear
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the erection of a sixth floor to provide a roof top conservatory with glazed ballustrading (revised scheme)
Erect and display 4No. internally illuminated fascia signs and 1 No. Set of Vinyl graphics to front elevation and 2No. non illuminated fascia signs to rear elevation
Change of use from offices and ancillary uses to one residential unit
Erection of two storey extension to front elevation and first floor extension to rear elevation; elevational alterations and insertion of window to rear
Removal of window and installation of sliding doors to the side elevation, replacement of the existing windows and new flue pipe to rear roof slope
Erection of single storey rear extension, replacement front door and rebuild front wall (revised scheme)
External alterations which include new timber framed pergola, kerb planting beds and picket fence; Full external re-decoration and cladding; Existing middle window bay to front elevation removed and replace with fully glazed garden access door and side screens installed; New timber framed pergola with framed polycarbonate roof and integral festoon lighting; Front external seating area…
Erection of single storey extension to dwelling and refurbishment of detached outbuilding to include reinstatement of pitched roof and juliet balcony