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Planning Applications


To fell 2No (Maple or Ash previously pollarded) trees within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 19/00749/TCA


Erection of single storey extension to rear of existing garage

Read more about 19/00718/FUL


Two storey side extension to side elevation

Read more about 19/00697/FUL


Rear and side extensions and alterations to existing dwelling

Read more about 19/00696/FUL


Reduce length of overhanging limbs by 15% of 1no Turkey Oak & maintenance of 1no Sycamore (See Report) protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)

Read more about 19/00762/TPO


Creation of a vehicular access

Read more about 19/00096/FUL


Crown reduce by 70% removing overlong hazard limbs but retaining lower safe crown of 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 19/00682/TCA


Erection of first floor and ground floor extensions, alterations and improvements including lantern in existing single storey part at rear

Read more about 19/00659/FUL


Erection of two-storey and part single storey extension

Read more about 19/00654/FUL


Erection of first floor extension to side over existing garage, alterations to window material to side and rear elevations, addition of dormer window to rear elevation

Read more about 19/00660/FUL


Erection of first floor side extension

Read more about 19/00483/FUL


Erect and display 1 illuminated wall sign, 1 illuminated projection sign and 3 sets of acrylic signs on locators

Read more about 19/00648/ADV