Approval of Reserved Matters layout and access pursuant to outline permission 14/04428/OUT for the construction of an access road into the Western Development Area
To fell 1No Victoria plum (T1) and fell 1No Lilac (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
End reduction of approximately 2m to the limb overhanging the dwelling (see photo detail), remove subsiding limb back to the stem and remove the partially torn out limb over the footpath 1No Austrian Pine (T1) protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Kingsland No 2) Tree Preservation Order 1969
To reduce the limbs above the topping point by 10% to improve the crown profile and relieve loading stress 1No Leyland Cypress (T4), remove 1No Yew and remove internal hedges H1-H5 within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Variation of Condition no. 2 (drawings) attached to planning permission ref 17/04269/FUL to include parcel of land within the application area to be used as a playground
Removal of 1no Pear, crown reduce by 2m and remove dead branches of 1no Apple & coppice 1no Hazel within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Reduce branch ends back to previous reduction points of 1no Sycamore & reduce soft branch growth surrounding BT line of 1no Cherry within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing: minor internal alterations; replacement windows and removal of existing boudary fence to create of gravel driveway
Reserved matters pursuant to 17/01612/OUT for the access link road only
Erection of 2No dwellings, formation of vehicular access, a single detached garage,and associated works