Erection of two storey front and single storey side extensions together with associated internal alterations
Erection of a rear single storey sunroom to semi detached dwelling following demolition of existing conservatory, dimensions 3.6 metres beyond rear wall, 3.8 metres maximum height, 2.4 metres high to eaves
Erection of two storey side and rear extensions, single storey front extensions, alterations and improvements to existing dwelling including formation of dormers to front elevation
Erection of a new dwelling following demolition of workshop; incorporating existing brick vaults with associated landscaping
Change of use from A1 to both A1 and A3; installation of new shop front and entrance
External works including installation of replacement shop front with ramped lobby entrance; pilasters and fascia clad in decorated timber with fielded panels
Crown reduce by 30% 2no Yew, 1no Maple, 1no Crab Apple & 1no Conifer and cut back broken branches and those overhanging the road of 1no Walnut within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Reduce canopy by around 2-3m to approximate growth points of 1no Beech within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erect and display 4No fascia and 6No other non illuminated signs
Change of use of 9No parking spaces to hand car wash and valeting operation including the installation of an cabin and erection of a canopy
Formation of temporary access to proposed sales area, sales cabin and associated boundary fencing