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Planning Applications


Alterations, extensions and part demolition in association with conversion of existing building to create 10 dwellings

Read more about 18/03731/FUL


Reduce branches overhanging properties to suitable pruning point and other maintenance works (See Schedule) to 1no Horse Chestnut protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Prestfelde School) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (Ref: SA/51)

Read more about 18/04292/TPO


Reduce crown by 10% with branches no bigger than 60mm of 2no Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Land at Shelton Hall Gardens) Tree Preservation Order 2006 (Ref: SA/436)

Read more about 18/04242/TPO


A hybrid application comprising A) full planning for the erection of a new foodstore (Use Class A1), access and associated car parking and landscaping B) outline planning (all matters reserved) for a care facility (Use Class C2)

Read more about 18/04194/FUL


Erection of 2-storey extension, garage and covered area/car-port (re-submission of earlier approved scheme)

Read more about 18/04209/FUL


Variation of condition 5 (hours) and removal of condition 3 (noise assessment) attached to planning permission reference 18/01280/FUL dated 22/05/2018

Read more about 18/04160/VAR


To fell 1No Ash tree and prune back off building by 1m 1No Holly tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 18/04224/TCA


Installation of a roof mounted solar panel array (100-150m2)

Read more about 18/04141/PSPPA


Erect and display 3No. fascia signs and 2No. other signs (illuminated and non illuminated)

Read more about 18/03837/ADV


Erection of a detached timber shed to rear and creation of adjacent hardstanding

Read more about 18/04068/FUL


Fell 1no Ash within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 18/04189/TCA


Remove 6no Yew within Belle Vue Conservation Area

Read more about 18/04188/TCA