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Planning Applications


Change of use from office and residential (A2) to hair dressing (A1) and beauty salon (Sui Genesis) Over 3 floors (no exterior work to be done)

Read more about 18/03160/FUL


To fell 1No (T1) Oak Tree because it is in terminal decline due to failing root functionality protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Prestfelde School) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (T51)

Read more about 18/03373/TPO


To fell 2No Cherry (T1, T2) within Meole Conservation Area Do not want to replant replacements due narrow gardens which would create same issues in future.

Read more about 18/03366/TCA


Erect and display 7No. fascia signs, 6No. poster frames and 1No. free standing car park sign (all non-illuminated)

Read more about 18/03205/ADV


Construction of single two-lane carriageway approximately 1.7km with a combined use footway, cycleway and grass verges. Sections of the scheme will be on embankment and in cutting as well as at existing ground level. Existing A5 Churncote roundabout to be reconstructed to accommodate the link road and two new roundabout junctions constructed at the intersection…

Read more about 18/03166/EIA


Erection of a single storey rear extension following removal of existing lean to

Read more about 18/03080/FUL


Approval of reserved matters (access) pursuant to outline permission ref 17/02809/OUT; discharge of condition 1 (phasing plan) and condition 4 (perimeter wall alterations) pursuant to 17/05765/VAR for the redevelopment of the former prison into mixed use development

Read more about 18/03025/REM


Crown reduction to previous pruning points (See Report) of 1no Norway Maple protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land off St. Mary”s Water Lane, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1995 (Ref: SA/299)

Read more about 18/03343/TPO


Erection of single storey front, side and rear extension

Read more about 18/03209/FUL


Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for creation of hard surface in front garden of dwelling (retrospective) (Article 4)

Read more about 18/03195/FUL


Erection of single storey rear and first floor side extensions and associated alterations

Read more about 18/03121/FUL


To reduce one major limb by 2-3 metres, crown thin by approximately 10% and crown lift by 2 metres 1No Cherry tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 18/03087/TCA