Works to 1no Oak (See Schedule) protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at or adjacent to Oaklands and Abbotsfield Drive) TPO 2012 (Ref: SC/00111/12)
Erection of single storey side and rear extension to include an integral porch following removal of existing pre-fab garage
Erection of building (comprising of 3No. separate units) for flexible B1, B2 and B8 use including all associated external works to form car parking and yard areas; formation of access
Erection of garden store/bin store; alterations to access and garage; conversion of first floor of coach house to create ancillary accomodation, replace existing door to underground tunnel and utilise as a wine cellar and associated alterations
Internal works to include installation of facilities and room re-configuration (Amendment to Listed Building Consent 18/01659/LBC) – layout amended to third floor
Crown reduce via thinning to remove 25% of crown volume, cutting back to previous pruning points of 1no Oak protected by the SABC (Battlefield Way & Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury) TPO 2006 (Ref: SA/425)
Erection of a single storey extension and alterations following demolition of existing conservatory.
Erection of two storey and single storey extensions; internal alterations: new boundary walling and replacement gates to east boundary and additional parking and access
Erection of extensions and detached garage with associated alterations
Conversion of loft space to create two bedrooms at first floor level