Fell 1no Lawson Cypress, 1no Amalanchier, 1no Silver Birch & 1no Laburnum within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown reduce by up to 1.5m 1no Yew within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Refurbishment of existing Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP); Replacement and extension high level fence enclosure; Installation of new hard standing areas adjoining the AGP perimeter complete with associated porous asphalt surfacing (replacing previous surplus areas of artificial grass); Refurbishment of existing floodlight system with sixteen new luminaires mounted onto eight existing (and retained) floodlight masts and…
Approval of reserved matters (appearance, layout, scale and landscaping) pursuant to the Outline Permission 16/04228/OUT for the erection of 218 no. dwellings (conditions 15 and 17 amended and 25 removed by 18/01826/AMP)
Remove some lower branches and crown reduce by approx. 1-1.5m of 1no Golden Rain Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Loft conversion works including formation of dormer and rooflight in roof covering
Erection of extension to existing warehouse and extension to existing corridor that currently joins the two buildings together and change of use to Sui Generis for the display and sale of all bathroom and plumbing products
Erection of single storey extension and associated alterations