Outline application for residential development of circa 52 dwellings to include access
Extension of roof to bring ridge to one level and incorporate flat roof section at rear with the installation of dormer window on the rear and velux window on front and side and removal of current chimney
Fell 1no Willow, crown reduce by 1-2m 1no Yew & crown reduce by 1m 1no Cherry within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Crown lift branch tips to 2.5m all round of 3no London Plane protected by the Shropshire Council (Land at and adjacent to The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2013(Ref: SC/00172/13)
To remove 1No Giant Redwood and replace with 1No Western Red Cedar protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2003 (varied 2004)
To carry out various works (see application form) to trees on the Underdale side of the railway line (adjacent to sports field) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of a rear single storey extension to a terraced dwelling, dimensions 3.30 metres beyond rear wall, 3.70 metres maximum height, 2.50 metres high to eaves
Variation of Conditon No.2 (approved plans) and Condition No.4 (materials) attached to permission 15/04374/FUL dated 27/07/2016
Erection of 2No. single storey modular pre-fabricated buildings to accommodate 4No. classrooms, 2No. science laboratories and provision of toilets
Erect and display replacement illuminated and non-illuminated signage