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Planning Applications


Cut back overhanging branches (on the patio area) by up to 2-3 metres 1no Chestnut tree protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2003 (Ref: SA/384)

Read more about 18/02405/TPO


Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for change of use to a 7 bedroom HMO (sui generis use) (retrospective)

Read more about 18/02391/COU


Ereection of Rear Conservatory to a Semi-Detached Dwelling, Dimensions 3.8 Metres Beyond The Rear Wall, 3.25 Metres Maximum Height, 2.1 Metres High To Eaves

Read more about 18/02448/HHE


Display of two wall mounted billboards to front elevation (modification to previously approved)

Read more about 18/02347/ADV


Erection of extension and modifications to existing dwelling

Read more about 18/02331/FUL


Erection of single storey side extension and insertion of 2no window openings to front elevation

Read more about 18/02344/FUL


Erection of an orangery to the rear elevation

Read more about 18/02330/FUL


Erection of extension to existing cricket pavilion to accommodate enhanced changing facilities, function room with ancillary spaces, and provide permanent accommodation for canoe storage

Read more about 18/02280/FUL


Temporary siting of a porta cabin to accomodate 2No office/meeting rooms

Read more about 18/02117/FUL


Outline application (all matters reserved) for the erection of one dwelling

Read more about 18/02307/OUT


Crown lift to 3.5m 8no trees of various species, tip reduce branches overhanging building by 1.5m of 1no Birch and fell various species of predominantly elder & buddlia within Shrewsbury Conservation Area

Read more about 18/02404/TCA


Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing lean to and utilising existing garage doors to create a secure garage with a flat roof

Read more about 18/02241/FUL