1No Cherry Prunus spp (T1) carry out an overall reduction of 10% of trees canopy and 1No Cherry Prunus avium (T2) carry out an overall reduction of 10% of trees canopy within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Fell 1no Monterrey Cypress and reduce crown by approx 0.5m all over of 1no Dawn Redwood & 1no Silver Maple within Belle Vue Conservation Area
To carry out works (see schedule) to 1No Lime, 1No Field Maple, 1 Mature Oak and a group of Hazel trees protected as a group by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002
Replace 5no windows to front of property, 2 upstairs and 3 in downstairs bay with double-glazed sash style to match original (article 4)
Alterations in association with conversion of outhouse into kitchen including to replace old rotten window and door in outhouse with new hardwood window and door and to install 2 roof lights into the outhouse
Internal alterations to include reinstatement of double doors; removal of partitions; modification of bay window; block off partition in bedroom; block existing steps with lightweight partition and lavatory door on landing and form an opening in bedroom to form ensuite affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of a pod unit for use as pet grooming facility and associated physical works
Erection of side extension to existing garage to provide additional garaging
Outline application (access for consideration) for residential development and formation of vehicular access
Erection of first floor extension and single storey side extension and associated works
Erection of first floor side extension and single storey side extension