Erection of a ceramic tile mural to be located in a brickwork arch at the southern boundary of the Shrewsbury Station Forecourt affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Erection of a single story Teaching and Administration ‘Barn’ and reconfiguration of formal external play areas.
Replace 2nd storey rear-facing landing casement window with traditional box-sash window.
Restorative pruning after snow damage, involving branch reductions as necessary of up to 3m 2no Yew (T1 & T3) and fell 1no Yew (T2) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Meole Brace Village) Tree Preservation Order 1973 (Ref: SA/70)
Erection of extension over existing garage and convert garage to additional living space
1No Yew tree – Crown reduce by up to 1.5m and crown lift over pavement to 3m within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
All signage to be removed; 1 x ATM to be removed and wall to be infilled with masonry to match the existing details; merchandising, graphics and fascia signage to be removed.
External works to shop front including decoration, additional timber moulding added, new display shelves fitted to window bed, new timber panel to side elevation, new signage and associated works
Erect and display 3No. externally illuminated timber fascia panels with moulding detail and pin mounted metal lettering, finished gold, 1No projecting sign, 1No. timber signage panel to be applied to LHS of side elevation and gold vinyl signage emblem to be applied to main door on front elevation
Minor internal alterations to previously approved 17/05509/LBC to allow for the re-positioning of partition wall and the re-positioning of an existing door affecting a Grade II* Listed Building