All signage to be removed; 1 x ATM to be removed and wall to be infilled with masonry to match the existing details; merchandising, graphics and fascia signage to be removed.
Change of use from amusement centre (Sui Generis) to skin treatment clinic (use class D1) and retails sales (use class A1)
Erect and display various internally illuminated signage (see attached schedule)
Erection of a rear single storey conservatory to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 4.0 metres beyond rear wall, 3.0 metres maximum height, 2.10 metres high to eaves
Alterations in association with infilling part of roof behind parapet
Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of new single storey extension, along with removal of internal wall, and alteration of front door to include the addition of new glazed panels affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of new single storey extension, along with removal of internal wall, and alteration of front door to include the addition of new glazed panels
Erection of a Single-Storey Rear Conservatory to a Semi-Detached Dwelling, Dimensions 5 Metres Beyond Rear Wall, 3.4 Metres Maximum Height and 2.4 Metres High To Eaves
Remove the deadwood, weak and fractured branches, sever ivy and strip excessive growth from stem of 1no Robinia protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Pountney Gardens 2004) Tree Preservation Order 2004 (Ref: SA/387)
Erection of single storey extension and conversion of garage to habitable room
Erection of first floor extension; internal re-configuration of rooms to enable disabled facilitites