Erection of two storey side extension following removal of existing garage and partial single storey front extension
To re-instate a previously bricked up door connecting Flats 5 and 6, remove a kitchen and a stud wall to create a single flat, install a set of iron gates to the passageway and installation of 5No gas flues, 1No gas service pipe to the side elevation of the building to serve new gas fired…
Change of use of a public house to residential use, extension and change of use of outbuildings to residential use, the partial demolition of rear additions to the listed building and their replacement with two dwellings together with the demolition of a brick built store and erection of four new dwellings affecting a Grade II…
Erection of a rear single storey extension to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 3.50 metres beyond rear wall, 3.55 metres maximum height, 2.95 metres high to eaves
To crown thin by 15-20%, minor end weight reduction by a maximum of 1 to 2 metres 1No Oak Tree (A) and remove epicormic growth on lower trunk, slight end weight reduction (same as A) 1 no Oak tree (B) Remove deadwood on both trees protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bicton Heath North)…
Amendment to previously approved 17/04674/FUL to enlarge the single storey rear extension by 1m in depth
Erection of single storey rear extension and associated internal alterations
Erection of single garage and installation of 1No doorway and glazed bi-foldings doors at rear