Erection of a detached garage after demolition of existing detached garage and erection of a front porch
Change of use to provide 1 bedroom apartment, insertion of entrance door to replace existing window, separation of entrance lobby from garage accommodation
Demolition of existing single storey extension to be replaced by new single storey rear extension. Demoltion of existing lower ground level single storey garden room to be replaced by new single storey garden room. Demolition of existing roof and dormer to existing side extension. Erection of extension to existing two storey side extension and new…
Erection of a two-storey extension at the side and rear together with a single storey extension at the rear after demolition of the existing garage and outbuilding and store
To fell to ground level 1no. Silver Birch (T1) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Repairs to existing wooden shop front, repair/replacement of flat roof to side, new render to side of building, insertion of stone window ledges and lintels to 4No. existing windows of side elevation, redecorate entire building in similar colours to existing
Erection of a two-storey rear extension (amendments to approved scheme 21/01915/FUL)
Remove deadwood and reduce the side canopy overhanging garden by 1-2m to growth points of 1no Oak protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Ryelands, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 2005 (Ref: SA/401)
Various works to trees (see schedule) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Crown reduce by approx. 2m to previous pruning points of 1no Lime protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Shelton Road) Tree Preservation Order 1971 (Ref: SA/59)