To fell 1 No Crabapple (T1) approx 14ft high within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of a detached dwelling and creation of a new vehicular access
Erection of a two storey extension to provide utility and garage on the ground floor with bedroom and en-suite to the first floor
To dismantle to ground level 1 No Western Red Cedar (T3), fell 1 No young Oak tree (T5) and prune for fruiting purposes 2 groups (8 trees) of Apple trees (G1 and G2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
To fell 1 No Lawson Cypress tree (T1) and reduce in height by 8ft 1 No Lawson Cypress (T2) and pollard 1 No Horse Chestnut tree protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Kingsland No 1) Tree Preservation Order 1969
Internal works to create a shower room within existing floor space and associated works affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for the conversion of loft space to provide additional living accommodation
Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the proposed extension to existing nursing home to provide an additional ground floor day room, 3 first floor bedrooms and associated link corridors
Trim back overhang from Yew hedge, fell 2no Holly trees & crown reduce by 20% 2no Yew trees protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Mayfield Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (Ref: SA/47)
Fell 1no Lawson Cypress within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Erection of single storey flat roof extension and projecting tiled canopy to utility entrance
Erection of a single storey extension to rear incorporating existing utility within new extension roof