Erection of an oak framed garden room to rear elevation, replacing existing bay window
To reduce major limb by 50% and reduce remaining crown by not more than 2m to allow the upper crown to develop as part of good tree maintenance 1 No Beech tree protected by SABC (Land at and surrounding Bowbrook) TPO 2008.
Erect and display 2no internally illuminated fascia signs, 1no internally illuminated totem sign and 1no freestanding non illuminated sign
Variation of condition no. 1 attached to application reference number: CC2007/0052 to allow for the retention of the demountable classroom unit for a further temporary period of ten years
Variation of condition No2 (approved plans) pursuant to 17/03559/VAR to allow car parking areas to be finished in tarmacadam
Application for Lawful Development Certificate for proposed erection of a single storey rear extension to create an enlarged kitchen/dining area
Crown reduce by approx. 1.5m-2m to previous pollard points 1no Lime protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Woodfield Estate) Tree Preservation Order 1966 (Ref: SA/19)
Crown reduction and thinning of 1no Horse Chestnut so that height is reduced to 25ft and width to 20ft, protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Shelton Hospital No 3) Tree Preservation Order 2003 (varied 2004)
Tree maintenance works (See Schedule) to 1no Cedar within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Demolition of existing single storey kitchen and replacement with enlarged single storey rear extension to main house and first floor extension over garage
Erection of single storey extension and alterations to external appearance of dwelling