Variation of Condition No.3 (use restriction) attached to permission 17/05130/FUL dated 20/12/2017
Installation of 2no external heat rejection condensing units on rear elevation.
Installation of 2no external heat rejection condensing units on rear elevation affecting a grade II listed building.
To crown reduce branches over garage by up to 30% and the branches that are over hanging the property 1 No Ash Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of a rear single storey extension to semi detached dwelling, dimensions 6.0 metres beyond rear wall, 3.975 metres maximum height, 2.775 metres high to eaves
Erect and display 1No non illuminated fascia sign and 1No non illuminated hanging sign
Erection of single storey extension to rear of property including incorporation of some existing workshop area and new living space
Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage
Variation of condition number 2 attached to Planning Permission reference CC2008/0001 dated 20th July 2008 to allow the retention of the demountable building for a further 10 years
Erection of extension over existing attached double garage. Addition of a dormer in the existing roof to create a loft room
To Prune lower branches to 3m in height of 2 no Scots Pine trees (T1 and T3), Crown lift to 2.5m 2no Yew trees (T2 and T5) and prune away branches from playground equipment, crown lift to 3.5m 1 No Oak tree (T6) and 1 No Fir tree (T7) (see plan) protected by the Shrewsbury…