Change of use to D2 leisure for use of personal training studio and the running of small fitness classes
Reduce group of Leylandii by 10m in height & reduce group of Sycamores by 5m in height and matching in side crown within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
Reinstatement of boundary wall to front/side; repair to party wall with neighbouring property; removal of hardstanding (parking area); general hard/soft landscaping including laying of path
Application for Lawful Development Certificate to establish if works, including the insertion of four replacement windows, to a Listed Building is Lawful and would not require a Listed Building Consent
Installation of a window in the ground floor side elevation affecting a Grade II Listed Building
To reduce branches on east side of trees to create 6 feet of clearance beween neighbouring property and group of Cupressus protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968 (Ref: SA/37)
Variation to Condition No.1 (approved plans) attached to permission 16/01724/FUL dated 30/06/16 to allow for revised plans
Erection of 2No. detached dwellings and formation of vehicular and pedestrian access (revised scheme)
To remove various species forming a hedgerow and 3 No large conifer trees and 1 no Hazel tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.
Erection of extension to provide an additional day room with associated link corridors
Variation of condition no. 2 (approved drawings) attached to Application Reference: 13/04608/FUL to reduce number of dwellings proposed to 4 with associated amendments to housing design and layout