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Planning Applications


To fell 1 No Eucalyptus tree potential damage to boundary wall as a result of root growth within Belle Vue Conservation Area.

Read more about 18/00528/TCA


Erection of a two storey side extension and alterations to existing vehicular access (amended description)

Read more about 18/00461/FUL


Erection of single storey extension to rear and side following demolition of existing conservatory

Read more about 18/00458/FUL


Alterations to shop front and associated works

Read more about 18/00448/FUL


Erect and display 1No. partially halo illuminated fascia and 1No. non-illuminated projection sign

Read more about 18/00447/ADV


Erection of a carport

Read more about 18/00434/FUL


Insertion of 2 rooflight windows into rear face of roof to facilitate loft conversion.

Read more about 18/00413/FUL


Fell to ground level 1no Sycamore protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham (Apostolic Church, Belle Vue Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1994 (Ref: SA/277)

Read more about 18/00579/TPO


Fell 1no Lawson Cypress due to poor structural condition and remove no more than 5no living trees of goat willow and elm within woodland and part of Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 18/00510/TCA


Erection of two storey rear extension (modification to previously approved); low level wall to front boundary; removal of trees

Read more about 18/00370/FUL


To fell to ground level 17no Leylandii due to storm damage and replace with hedge of suitable species within Shrewsbury Conservation Area.

Read more about 18/00532/TCA


Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of existing kitchen extension and conservatory

Read more about 18/00351/FUL