Fell 1no Silver Birch (T1) & reduce crown by 30% (0.5-1m) of 1no Sorbus (T2) within Shrewsbury Conservation Area
New side extension and garden home office at rear of garden.
Erection of part single and part two storey rear extension following demolition of single storey lean to
Proposals at first floor level include: the removal of modern timber platform, replacing an existing window with a new maintenance door and steps and, a new stove and flue in the living room. At second floor level the proposals are to replace existing and inserting new rooflights, inserting a cast iron railing to create a…
Works to square off existing rear extension, first floor extension, enlarge existing rear dormer, interior reconfiguring, erection of garden room
Division and internal reconfiguration of the existing dwelling into 2No. separate units and first floor extension
Proposed conversion of existing garage to provide bedroom and ensuite shower
To crown lift, reduce and thin 2no. Copper Beech (as per schedule) protected by the Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Springfield Hotel, Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1993 (Ref. SA/251)
Erect and display 1No internally Illuminated and 1No non illuminated fascia signs
Fell 1no Cypress protected by the Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council (Meole Brace) Tree Preservation Order 2002 (Ref. SA/354)
Various works to trees (see schedule) protected by The Shrewsbury Borough Council (Mayfield Drive) Tree Preservation Order 1969 (SA/47)