Construction of a glass safety screen / guarding balustrade to the flat roof to the rear of the property affecting a Grade II Listed Building
Outline residential development following demolition of existing dwelling to include means of access and layout
Works to 2No. Oak trees (detailed in work report) protected byThe Borough of Shrewsbury (Sutton House Farm) Tree Preservation Order 1950
Crown thin by approximately 15% 1no Yew (Taxus baccata T1 on site plan) protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (58 Oakley Street, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1988
Replace 2no timber sliding sash windows with vertical and horizontal astral bars with timber sash windows (in keeping with the age and style of the building) Article 4 direction
Erection of a single storey extension and alterations; Conversion works of garage to form further living accommodation.
Erection of extensions; demolition of lean-to on west and south elevations; demolition of concrete garage; formation of access; replace modern windows to east elevation; erection of garage
Change of use of former tennis courts to form additional council staff car parking for a temporary period of up to 2 years.
Crown reduce 1no Lime by 20%; Crown reduce 1no Cedar by 20% and remove any fractured, hanging, branches; Shorten branches of 1no Beech that overhang car park by 20% and reduce on other side by approx 10% to retain a balanced crown within Belle Vue Conservation Area
Notification of proposed tree works to include the crowing raising by 20-25% and reduce the remaining crown by 15-20% of one English Yew tree lying within the Shrewsbury Conservation Area